What We Do Best

Bariatric Surgery

Be Good At What You Do

Notes for Review

This material is the web-designers’ own resources and notes obtained from various sources. Where there is a direct correlation with a source, they have been referenced. For visitors to the pages, we encourage you to explore the sources for further details and information where necessary. 

If you feel any sources have not been referenced (or if you feel a source may provide additional information to the topics covered here), feel free to contact the RDRP team and we will set things right. 

Enjoy the site and happy cutting!

we have no limits

Everyday's a School day

Weight loss surgery invokes strong emotions in some. There can be objections from lay persons and physicians. This are the arguments FOR (and some against).

Checklist for Verve Consent Appointment:

Review MDT outcomes and reinstate key points

Consent form Verve should have been sent back

Fill in local hospital consent form and send copy to admin

Go through Risk Assessment form, sign it and send copy to admin

Ensure patient is satisfied about liver shrinking diet

Bariatric Clinics



Gastric Band

Medications for Obesity

Allurion Gastric Balloon

Quick Bits


Score of 3 or more predicts moderate to severe OSA with 90% accuracy

Echelon Flex Stapler Guide

Which colour staples to use?
Stapler Guide


GLP-1 analogue

Mesenteric defects

Antecolic and Retrcolic defects

we aren't afraid of trying new things

Be part of something great

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Ante in nibh mauris cursus. Tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id. Non tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris augue neque Egestas olata.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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