Short notes on clinical and viva stations – breast trainee


General 1: 80 large breast ca, very comorbid, Hx and O/E.  Discussion about primary endocrine therapy.  Examine legs – chronic venous changes, what are they?  If not as comorbid, what would you do?

General 2: Thyroid nodule. Hx and O/E. Counselling re surgery.  (isthmus so total thyroidectomy)

General 3: Achalasia.  Hx and O/E.  Ba swallow – bird’s beak deformity.  OGD and manometry.

Breast 1: 6mm spiculated lesion on mammo (screening), G cup breast.  Contralteral DXT changes – asked what they are

Breast 2: BBR post op (not for cancer): what are the scars, what’s been done.  Possible complications.

Breast 3: DCIS in two areas (shown mammo), extensive microcalc, quite far apart.  Hx and O/E.  Management options.  Reconstruction options.  Contraindications to LD.

General tips:

Don’t forget PMHx


Inflammatory breast ca

Pregnancy-associated breast ca

FHx and BRCA

Paget’s and bloody nipple discharge

Popliteal fossa gunshot injury

Femoral hernia

Anastomotic leak