


First steps

Attach pulse, ECG and BP monitor, insert iv line


“How are you?” – If answers in full sentences, airway, breathing and brain ok; if short sentences, likely to have breathing difficulty


       Give 15L/min

       Remove VISIBLE objects obstructing airways

       Insert oropharyngeal (guedel) or nasopharyngeal airway if reduced GCS


       Look, listen and feel

       any obvious chest deformity

       SpO2 at the inspired O2 amount

       Listen to breath sounds – rattling, stridor, wheeze

       Percuss chest – hyper-resonance or dullness


       Check position of trachea

       Feel chest wall for surgical emphysema or crepitus


       Look at colour of hands- blue, pink, mottled

       Assess limb temperature



       Palpate peripheral and central pulses: rate, quality and regularity


       Auscultate heart – murmur, pericardial rub, difficult to hear

       Urine output if there’s a catheter

       Look for signs of haemorrhage (thoracic, intra-peritoneal, retroperitoneal, gut)

       Give 500ml of warm saline/Hartmann’s over less than 15 mins if hypotensive, 250ml if known heart failure

       Reassess every 5 minutes until normal BP reached


       Review and treat ABCs

       Check patient’s drug chart

       Examine pupils (size, equality, reaction to light)


       Blood glucose: if unconscious and <4mmol/L, give 50ml of 10% glucose iv; further doses every minute until fully conscious (upto 250ml in total)

       Nurse in lateral position if unconscious and airway not protected

Advanced Life Support (Adult)

Unresponsive and Not Breathing?

Call resus team

Start CPR 30:2

Attach defibirllator/monitor

Assess Rhythm

Shockable – 1 shock and resume CPR for 2 minutes…then assess rhythm

Non-shockable (PEA/asystole): resume CPR for 2 mintues then assess rhythm

ROSC – Move to ABCDE, treat precipitating cause

During CPR...

Give Oxygen

Give iv adrenaline every 3-5 minutes

Give iv amiodarone after 3 shocks


Penetrating chest/epigastric trauma with cardiac arrest (any rhythm)

Contraindications: blunt injury, more than 10mins of loss of cardiac output, any cardiac output


Large scalpel, large scissors, blunt forceps, gigli saw

Procedure summary

Bilateral thoracostomies in 5th intercostal space, mid-axillary line

Extend to sternum with scissors

Cut through sternum to join both incisions.

Lift up as clamshell and open pericardium to find injury to heart