Previous Papers

Questions provided by considerate fellow living the good stress-free life!!

FRCS Questions from Viva

Questions provided by a colorectal trainee, not known which year ?? 2018

FRCS Summary 2019 Breast

Summary of questions from the 2019 exam, provided by a Breast trainee

Short Clinical/Viva notes Breast trainee

Short list of stations encountered by a breast trainee

FRCS Edinburgh 2016 Viva and Clinicals

Detailed notes on the questions encountered by this colorectal trainee at the 2016 exam.

FRCS Norwich 2019 Viva and Clinicals

Detailed and extensive notes on the questions asked of this colorectal trainee in 2019

FRCS Preston 2019 (Colorectal)

List of topics that came up for this colorectal candidate at the Preston exam

Bear in Mind...

Examiners have their Own minds...And aren't afraid to use it...

Although you will find the same topics keep coming up time and again in the examinations above, be aware there is no one correct answer for the questions the examiners ask. Particularly with controversial/specialist areas, the opinion of one examiner may be very different to that of another. 

The key here is to have a SAFE answer and a well rehearsed argument for why you believe YOUR answer to be correct. Examiners want to know that you have given thought and came up with a safe mode of action. It doesn’t have to match theirs, as long as it’s SAFE.

....but so have YOU!!