Notes etc.

Upper GI


Upper GI Surgery

These resources collected from a variety of sources and simplified (as much as medicine allows) to provide quick reference guides. Useful for exam revision, patient work-ups and management plans. 

We reference all sources that have contributed to this material, with thanks. 

Anti-reflux surgery


“Failure to relax” of the lower oesophageal sphincter

Replacement of healthy oesophageal epithelium by metaplastic columnar cells

Notes on staging, how to do STC, incidence of LN mets

Classification, Anatomy Investigations, 

Yellow bellied don’t just mean you a chicken!


EMR JSGE classifications, EUS, indications for resection, techniques



Yellow bellied don’t just mean you a chicken!



EMR JSGE classifications, EUS, indications for resection, techniques

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"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

In 1946 during a RCS Hunterian Lecture, the combined laparotomy and right thoractomy to remove oesophageal cancer was described.. the Ivor-Lewis Oesphagectomy was born


remember the path


“Those who have dissected or inspected many [bodies] have at least learnt to doubt; while others who are ignoralnt of anatomy and do not take the trouble to attend it are in no doubt at all.”

Giovanni Battista Morgagni

communication is key

making a start

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet of, cotns ctetur all of the adip scing sed do eiusmod dunt.

and if the surgeon is like a poet, then the scars you have made on countless bodies are like verses into the fashioning of which you have poured your soul

Richard Selzer