The Golden Rules of Eating post Bariatric Surgery

1. Take bites no bigger than the size of your thumb-nail.. it can help to use teaspoon or children’s cutlery

2. Chew at least 20 times or until your food is the consistency of puree before swallowing 

3. Wait between bites and put your cutlery down (you should aim for 1 bite per minute)

4. Stop eating after about 20 minutes

5. Avoid eating and drinking at the same time. Don’t drink for 10 mintues before eating and wait for 30 minutes after eating. This will help avoid overfilling your stomach pouch or regurgitating. If you eat and drink at the same time, this means you will flush food through your stomach, meaning you’re less likely to feel full and it can therefore trigger hunger. 

6. Sit down to eat- this will help you to avoid the habit of grazing