Coeliac Disease

Coeliac disease :

       chronic inflammation triggered by ingestion of gluten

       results in dense infiltrationof lymphocytes in the proximal small bowel

       Histology findings: mucosal inflammation, crypt hyperplasia, villous atrophy


Endoscopically visible hallmarks:

       Scalloped duodenal folds

       Gorooves and fissurations

       As opposed to normal finger like villi, in coeliac the villi are much shorter and less pronounced












Figure 1: normal, finger like villi

Figure 2: Flattened villi


Figure 3: nodular appearance with fissures, indicates absence of villi

Figure 4: granular appearance, fissures visible.




Life-long adherence to a gluten free diet (including those that may have had contact with gluten. (eg. wheat, barley, bulgur, semolina)


Also avoid toasters, air fryers where gluten would be hard to clea