Tier 3 Clinic

Significant long-term weight loss without surgery

1 in 500 only

LAGB, LRYGB and LSG all have..

5-8% risk, bands lifetime, others in initial few days

Beware those with …

BMI >67, severe mental health issues, chronic pain, immobility, previous major abdo surgery

 A structure for consultations:


Learning about obesity as a chronic, progressive disease

Behavioural changes in diet and physical activity

Health benefits of weight loss

Motivational system – cues, settings and the risk of excessive calories and restraint

Influencing factors – stress, fatigue, mood, alcohol, weight promoting medications

Responding to setbacks

Aim Of The Clinic

This initial clinic appointment (with the surgeon) is to screen the patient and determine whether they would be (or might be) suitable for surgery or whether they are physiologically not suitable. 

Patient Details


Demographic measurements:

– Height, weight, BMI

– Blood pressure, O2 Sats

– Malampatti Score


Blood Test Results: 

– HbA1c, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, 

Vitamin D



– T2DM, Treated HTN, OSA, IHD

– Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

– Endometrial ca. 

Previous Surgical History



Weight Related Questions


When did your weight problem start?

(Teenage years and onwards in most cases…)

When did it become an issue?

If a problem since childhood = genetic testing?

What methods of weight loss have you tried in the past?

Whats the most weight you’ve managed to lose?

What are your triggers for eating? 

What would you say are the typical foods that are 

your weakness?

Diabetes in the family?

BP issues?

Heart attack/stroke?

Problems with breathing/daytime tiredness/snoring?

Regular medications?

Previous operations/scars?


Smoke/alcohol? (Non-nicotine vaping acceptable)

Family history?


Other Issues to consider:

Vitamin D needs to be treated and shown to be

improved prior to surgery



We’ll let the dietician and psychologist continue with

their assessments and treatment and get in touch in 

a few months to see how you’re getting on.