Previous paper VIVA JN

Questions from the VIVA 

Colorectal and General Surgery Section 

Management of anaemia in term of investigation and causes read the BSG guidelines. Also other causes of IDA like thal minor etc 

Oesophageal stricture in a 75 years old diagnosis. A bit about achalsia and causes of it. Management of stricture how to rule out malignancy and then dilatation procedures how frequent etc type of balloon etc 

Management of fistula: SNAP post op leak of SB contentment from the midline following incision hernia repair. When to reoperation when to sit tight, Indication to IFU transfer 

Rectal Cancer: low rectal cancer radio therapy MRI and role of EUA in staging. CRM stuff and when to radiate 

Perianal Crohns in a 20 year old girl diagnosis and management seton less is more policy 

Rectal Prolapse: Operate when? and which method 

ITU and Emergency Surgery 

Blood transfusion: know it in and out. Indication to transfusion major transfusion policy. What is in the shock pack ? How octaplex work use of Calcium . Patient is in DIC post AAA you cannot close him what will u do pack and leave open 

Renal Failure: indication to dialysis types of dialysis complication of Cather transplant only indications 

Post Op MI: ABC etc PE versus MI how to manage > PE use of thrombolysis? Indication for pulmonary embolectomy 

Ischemic Bowel: showed me a photo how to manage etc stoma all the way cannot close abdomen boggoto bag etc 

GS Pancreatitis: from clinical presentation to management neops paper!! 

Prioritisation of surgery patient: hernia in a diabetic, abscess, appendix in a kid sick, 75 yrs with free air under diagram. Examine all first. 

Start fluid resus on the perforation. Get the kid done by the reg. Fine another theatre for the hernia as on examining it turned out to be nec fas. Stop an elective list the examiner liked that answer and who do you speak too. The CD !! 



UC girl counselling make sure you do this well everything fertility pouch etc 

Fissure A-Z management 

Splenic Flexure tumour how to operate spleenectomy indications and vaccine also very popular questions spleenectomy indications ITP etc and vaccination etc 

Rectal cancer join or not my indication pelvic floor performance rectal compliance 

Diverticular disease: ACP position statement will u operate 

Screening Colorectal cancer had to counsel a chap know the family history guidelines and also NBCSP 


Epigastric hernia primary repair 

Neuroma of fore arm redo operation 

Post phelbelic limb describe and manage 

Large incision hernia 6 laparotmies do not operate 

Gilmore groin? Operate or no waste of time money making exercise how to manage chronic groin pain get an MRI to see for hernia and the spine but no surgery 

Examine abdomen had rectus sheath hematoma? Ask question warfarin etc 

Guy had a roof top chest scar and neck scar make the connection 3 stage oesphpagectomy