Ectopic Pancreas

Pancreas tissue not connected to pancreas for blood supply or anatomical structure

Most prevalent in stomach; commonly within 6cm of pylorus on greater curve

Incidence of 0.5 – 13% on autopsies



EUS + FNA can be diagnostic if required (pancreas will be within submucosa or intrinsic muscle layer)



              Recently, endoscopic treatment is preferred if possible – ESD, STER (submucosal tunnel endoscopic resection) etc..

              Sometimes ligation alone will suffice

              If growth has gone through entire wal of the organ, then local excision is needed.

              If any possibility of cancer, then aggressive surgical resection is necessary


              If symptomatic, then treatment is essential


              If asymptomatic, (Am J Gastro; 2023)


o   Most experts would diagnose with EUS +FNA and once confirmed, no further follow-up necessary (58%), independent of size

o   38% would follow-uop if >20mm, 2-yearly OGD (stop if appearance is stable)

o   If no histological diagnoses, repeat EUS as follow-up (48%)

o   If >50% change in size, opt for resection (EMR/ESD/Surgical)