Nausea post sleeve gastrectomy

Immediate nausea after surgery is common, particulary in the first 6 hours and its important to control this so it doesn’t progress to vomiting. However this should not last more than a couple of days.

Causes of ongoing nausea can be:


       Medication and vitamin supplements: esp when taken on an empty stomach. Try takin with meals, or changing the brand, particularly to liquid supplements or chewable vitamins.

       Drinking too quickly can cause nausea, as can drinking with food. Avoid drinking 10 minutes before a meal and 30 minutes after a meal.

       Not following a gradual build up of diet. Adjusting to a new way of eating requires patience and rushing to solid food will cause vomiting.

       Dumping syndrome– due to food moving into the small intesting too quickly can cause nausea. This can happen within minutes or hours after. Carbohydrate rich foods are the worst culprits

       Patients can develop food intolerances after surgery. These vary from patient to patient but high sugar and high-fat foods are the commonest culprits. Try small amounts of individual foods at a time to see which might be causing symptoms.

       Remember to follow the golden rules of eating post surgery. This means eating slowly (30 minutes a meal), putting down cutlery inbetween bites etc and also chewing thoroughly (20 chews before swallowing)

       Overeating because of inadequate dietician supervision is common and acurate portion sizes are essential

       Don’t lie down soon after eating, wait at least an hour after a meal

       Obstruction due to adhesions

       Ulcers can develop, especially in smokers and with aspirin/NSAIDs.

       Psychological stress and anxiety