Referral Criteria for Bariatric Tier 4 Services

1. Referral to service

1.1 Criteria for referral into the service are in keeping with the guidelines published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guideline 43, 2006, updated November 2014 (CG 189).
1.2 Criteria for consideration of revisional surgery are in keeping with the Revision Obesity Surgery specialised services circular from NHS England SSC1441 August 2014.
1.3 Referrals will be received from GPs by the bariatric or outpatient coordinators via e-Referrals based in the Brunel Building, Southmead Hospital (Appendix 1).
1.4 The e-Referral will then be vetted by a consultant. If suitable the patient will be booked into an assessment clinic. If unsuitable for entry into the service, a letter will be generated to the GP explaining the reasons why they don’t fulfil the criteria for enrolment into the weight management process.


Sample referral form to the bariatric service